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Seam Ripper in English Bog Oak C3300BC

Seam Ripper in English Bog Oak C3300BC

Regular price £26.00 GBP
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A handmade single ended Seam ripper made in English Bog Oak from the Fenlands.

The Seam ripper is used to remove unwanted stitches, seams, buttons and much more.

Around 5000BC a rise in sea level caused the Fens to flood. The old growth trees died where they stood, eventually falling into the silt that now covered the forest floor. Some were preserved in the anaerobic conditions only to be disturbed thousands of years later by farmers now cultivating this rich land. Some of theses Sub-fossilised tress are found with trunks in excess of 100ft.

The Bog oak has a weight and density to rival the most highly valued tropical hardwoods.


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